自杀是 第二个 是大学生死亡的主要原因. 作为一个机构,我们必须明白 预防自杀需要一个社区的共同努力. 根据… House Bill 1354, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 has developed a 预防自杀 计划 and an associated protocol that deploys a variety of initiatives to improve student 健康和幸福,防止自杀. 该计划有三个主要组成部分: 自杀预防、自杀干预和自杀后处理.
培训: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 will provide annual 预防自杀 training to faculty, 教职员和学生. 看门人培训将由校内认证团队提供 QPR运动鞋. 额外的培训将提供在选定的财政年度课程,学生 领导力/工作导向等. 365bet QPR培训师通过关系认证 与QPR研究所和田纳西州自杀预防网络合作.
信息的传播: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学将推广与自杀有关的可用资源 prevention services to include, but not be limited to, its partnership relationships, campus resources, the National 自杀 预防 Lifeline, Crisis Text Line, and 的 Talkcampus app on the 365bet website, in addition to additional campus media and 训练格式.
计划的散发: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 will disseminate a link to the 计划, each academic term via appropriate and effective channels of communication to faculty, staff and students, e.g. 电子邮件、社交媒体、手册等.
养成健康的习惯和适应能力: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 will develop ongoing programming and efforts to teach student the skills necessary to cope with the stress of college life, increase healthy 行为,减少有害的决策,并在学业上取得成功. 自杀 “预防周”活动强调学生的适应力和健康.
学生的参与: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 will grow student involvement and participation through the development of student peer educators and/or peer advocates responsible for distribution 与自杀预防和精神疾病有关的教育材料和节目 健康促进. 同伴倡导者将与校园团体合作发展.
关系: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 has established effective working relationships with area mental health facilities to provide additional mental and emotional support to 我们的学生,尤其是Centerstone, Steven A. 科恩军人家庭诊所 Tennova医疗.
More information regarding partnerships between 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 and the 当地社区可在 http://mcgtn.org/health. That Montgomery County Health Department will have available a comprehensive list of partners and services available to members of the 365bet community which may include crisis referral services, support groups, military services, recovery center, etc. “Public Health Directory” and can be found on their home screen and was developed 与蒙哥马利县卫生委员会合作. -
可能的下一步: the 预防自杀 task force would like to initiate discussions about the possibility of partnering with Academic Affairs to encourage faculty to add mental health messages 到课程大纲. 特别是,我们希望与教师代表接触 有了这个想法.
提问、说服、参考: QPR是奥斯汀佩伊州立大学首选的看门人培训模式 which faculty, students, and staff can learn to recognize suicide 风险 and respond 适当地. QPR的使命是通过提供来减少自杀行为和拯救生命 创新、实用和行之有效的预防自杀培训. 危机的迹象 都在我们身边. 质素保证程序检讨培训的主要内容包括:
- 如何询问、说服和推荐有自杀倾向的人
- 如何寻求帮助或了解更多预防自杀的知识
- 自杀行为的常见原因
- 自杀的征兆
- 如何为处于危机中的人寻求帮助
行为干预小组/护理小组: 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学’s BIT/Care Team encourages faculty, 教职员和学生 就学生关心的问题进行沟通,并促进支持性的回应. 每当 students of concern and their 的情况下 are brought to the attention of the team, BIT/Care Team成员开会收集数据并计划协调应对. 的 ultimate goal is to provide students of concern with assistance, to mitigate 风险, 或两个. 该团队的最终目标是帮助保持365bet社区的健康和安全 通过早期、适当的干预并以促进安全环境为重点 关于学生的学习和成功. 校园社区将接受持续的教育 关于团队的基础和如何回应学生关心的问题.
通知BIT/护理小组: any faculty, staff, or student may notify the BIT/Care Team of their concern about 一个特别的学生. 链接到(匿名)BIT/关怀小组关注学生 form can be found on 万仕达 or on the Student Conduct and Case Management website 在这里.
学生辅导服务: suicide intervention is a key component of Student Counseling Services operations. During normal business hours, staff are available to consult with faculty, staff, and students on a variety of topics, including how to intervene with students in crisis 的情况下. 在最优条件下,个体(i.e.(教职员工或学生) with a good working relationship with a student of concern will directly discuss their concerns with the student and seek additional professional/medical assistance, as 需要. 同样,任何人都可以联系学生咨询服务,与学生交谈 心理健康专家关于一个学生的问题. 一般来说, students’ concerns are sorted (triaged) according to a series of steps which are outlined 下面. 在工作时间之外,可以通过校园警察获得随叫随到的辅导员 (x7786)如果认为有必要进行精神健康安全评估.
盘后紧急情况: when a student is in an apparent mental health crisis after business hours, Campus 警方(x7786)是第一联络点. 校警会通知值班人员 当辅导员认为有必要评估学生的自杀风险时. 一次 contacted, the on-call counselor will assess any situation over the phone, speak with 启动官员和学生,并决定下一步. 如果提供者 can handle the situation with the student over the phone, then he/she will attempt to do so and explain the resolution of the situation to the police officer on scene. 的se contacts are not “after hours counseling” but opportunities for a mental health professional to evaluate the student’s safety and recommend appropriate next steps. A follow-up counseling session in the 健康与咨询 Center is ordinarily scheduled 下一个工作日. 以下图表概述了心理健康危机应对措施 程序.
通知: once a death by suicide has been verified, it is important to quickly mobilize and 组织内部和外部资源. 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学的办公室 Student Affairs uses an extensive notification checklist to ensure affected members 在需要的时候得到适当的通知和支持.
支持: close friends, fellow team or club members, colleagues on the same work team or neighbors in the community may have a particularly hard time and need extra support for a period 的时间. 那些需要支持的人可能还包括最近争论过的同事 死者或提出分手的恋人. 自杀永远不会 这是一件事的结果,而是多种因素的融合.
心理教育: 因为我们知道有可能出现模仿死亡或传染 following a suicide death among adolescents or young adults, we believe that postvention efforts must include screening members from the community for depression and/or suicidal 风险. 2007年全国青少年危险行为调查支持了这一必要性 (CDC, 2008)的调查结果表明,28%的学生符合筛查指标 抑郁症和14.5%的人认真考虑过自杀. 此外,案件查找是 符合预防疾病的公共卫生方法的.
资源: an important part of responding to any potentially traumatic event is linking individuals 并根据需要向团体提供资源,以获得持续的当地支持. 提供个人, family members, and the university with a list of local mental health resources, including 紧急金属健康评估的合同信息. 如上所述,当 suicide deaths occur in a 给n locale, a crucial part of the response includes ensuring that the local community professionals are collaborating with a single vision and 计划.
评价: 参与延期的领导们会花时间进行审查和征求 来自所有成员的反馈,以及反馈的结果 自杀预防计划. 沿着这些思路,学生咨询主任 & Health Services will solicit feedback from all involved in the prevention, intervention, and postvention process: students, workers, those involved with implementing the 计划, 如果合适的话,还有管理层和地方官员. 局长会用这些 findings to improve any organizational and/or community structures related to suicide 预防、干预和/或预防.